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Author: Paul Garland Picture in profile
Added: Oct 30 2007Views / Reads: 5539 / 4935 [89%]Part vote: 9.00 (28 votes)
My wife can't handle her drink at all. When she gets incredibly drunk one night,my buddies and I decide to have a little fun at her expense...

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My wife Lyndsey cannot take her drink - at all - and she does enjoy a drink. She always has, ever since we met ten years ago. She was only 17 then, and one of those girls who rebelled against everything. Her parents had been quite strict with her as a teenager, not allowing her to go out drinking until she was of age. Inevitably, the first opportunity she got on her 18th birthday she went out and got completely slaughtered.

We met at college when we were both 17 and Lyndsey was a lovely girl but because of her strict upbringing, she was quite shy and reserved, especially when it came to sex.

So when Lyndsey could start going out and drinking, she enjoyed the way that alcohol gave her a bit of confidence, in fact it took a few drinks before she finally had sex with me and repeatedly whenever we did have sex, she would always have a drink first to 'loosen herself up.'

Unfortunately, she couldn't hold her drink and although she really enjoyed it, she eventually realized that she really shouldn't drink. Not because she would get in fights or do other stupid things, because she didn't - she would just go extremely silly and giddy, then usually throw up and pass out. It would then end up with me or one of Lyndsey's friends carrying her home and putting her to bed. Not how you want to end your nights out!


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