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Benefits of smokingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2908 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: ravs
Added: Nov 03 2007Views / Reads: 7215 / 5091 [71%]Part vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
How a teen gets caught smoking leading to unexpected results.

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I had just turned nineteen. Unlike the west most guys in my country, India, were still virgins at that age, making the best use of their hands. But that did not stop them from fantasizing. I was like any other guy.

The Mehta's had moved into our apartment recently. Their's was a small family husband, wife and their six year old kid. Mr. Mehta ran some business and was always traveling. Mrs. Mehta was a friendly lady she must have been about 34 or 35 at the most, but most of the times she kept to herself. She had a lovely figure rather curvaceous with huge assets which were imprisoned inside her blouse as she wore only traditional wear. She had beautiful eyes. She would always smile and ask me how I was doing? whenever she would see me. And I always used to help her carry her groceries up the three flights to her house.

I used to go up to the terrace everyday to work out as there was no gym near my place. I used to work up a nice sweat and come back home only after a few hours of exercise. Now our terrace was common for all the residents of the building, but not everyone would come up, except for certain gatherings or to dry their clothes, which gave me all the liberty. I would work out in my shorts without anything to cover my upper body. Once a while Mrs. Mehta had walked up to the terrace to collect the clothes she had set to dry and every time she gave me a smile and I had this feeling, her eyes strayed all over me especially my crotch. Again maybe it was just the mind of a perverted nineteen ...

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