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Black Skirtthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1031 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Pappapipe
Added: Nov 04 2007Views / Reads: 5008 / 4 [0%]Part vote: 8.00 (6 votes)
A wife dresses up to surprise her husband when he gets home and he shows her just how much he enjoys it.

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She was getting impatience for him to get home. She had taken the kids to grandparents so they would have the night alone. She had put on her small black skirt, the one that showed off her legs. She also wore one of his white shirts. And to top it off, one of his favorite ties was loosely draped around her neck. She knew that he would be excited to see her dressed like this. She could not wait to see the look on his face when he finds out what she was wearing, or rather not wearing underneath. She had spent the better part of the last hour getting ready for him. Now she was filled with nervous energy waiting for him like this. As she walked pass the air register on one of her many trips down the hall to check to see if he was coming down the street, the cool breath of the air conditioner blew across her exposed womanhood. This sent a thrill up her spine and caused her pussy to grow moister. If he did not hurry up, she thought that she would start with out him.

The sound of the garage door opening sent shivers down her spine. She knew that he would be excited, and sometimes his excitement could be unpredictable. The door to the house opened and her husband walked in. She walked up to him as he was taking off his jacket and give him a long soft kiss on the lips. She turned and walked away and she could feel his eyes take in the length of her. She walked to the middle of the living room and was about to turn back to him when his arms encircled her from behind. He had followed her into the living room so quietly that she was unaware of how close he was. He kissed her gently ...

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