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How I became a slut for a week.this story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 1544 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: oncebitten Picture in profile
Added: Nov 17 2007Views / Reads: 7270 / 4729 [65%]Part vote: 9.07 (14 votes)
On a trip my roommate finds the slut in me.

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I had spent a great deal of time working on a project for my company the last 2 months, which gave me little time for fun. I am a 34 year old male who likes to keep in good shape, I wouldn't say I'm muscular, but have a runner's body. I run 3-5 times a week at the gym. I am about 5'8 with short brown hair and brown eyes, and fairly successful in my career. The end result was a great bonus and some time off, but a definite fall off in the personal time I got to spend with the few women I had been seeing. Since the women in my life had seemed to move on, I thought I'd take some of my bonus money and time off and go to a business clinic I'd been eyeing for a while, more for the location and resume benefits than the content. I figured it would be good to get away for a few days. The only drawback was that it said some rooms would be booked as doubles depending on amount of people attending. Whatever.....it would be good to get away.

I arrived late on Sunday afternoon and checked in. When I went to my room it was apparent that I had a roommate, although no one was there, there was a suitcase and some clothes laid out. I got cleaned up and headed down for the welcome dinner. There I meet Kevin my roommate and the other 15 or so men attending. We all introduced ourselves and our backgrounds, having a great time and letting the drinks flow freely. They seemed like a great bunch of guys and I anticipated a great week...I had no idea what was in store and how great it would be.

The next morning I awoke and Kevin was already up and had showered, ...

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