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Giving Thanks this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2970 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: nycbabe
Added: Nov 28 2007Views / Reads: 1431 / 1262 [88%]Part vote: 9.44 (9 votes)
A continuation

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We walked over to the dining room that was elegantly set for people. "My sister always does things in excess." Jeff whispered in my ear and I shivered. Lucky for me, I was saved from saying anything else as it was time to eat.

Jeff was seated tp my left and Sherry was on my right. I am left handed and asked Jeff to move over.

"What, do I smell or something?"

"No it is just that I am left handed and we will be bumping elbows all night."

Jeff threw back his head and laughed. "Well, I am left handed too, so don't worry about it. I do everything with my left hand."

I wondered to myself if he also jerked off with his left hand, but said nothing. Jeff looked a me with a wicked grin and it was if he could read my thoughts.

The meal was delicious. Aside from turkey, Janice also had a honey-baked ham and roast beef. There were so many sides and casseroles it would be hard to name them all. I noticed that Sherry and Matthew kept exchanging looks while Jeff and I conversed with Janice and John as well as Melissa who turned out to be just as ...

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