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Author: Lisa
Added: Nov 30 2007Views / Reads: 4085 / 3437 [84%]Story vote: 9.50 (8 votes)
Cindy finds better tips and pleasure at work

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Hi, my name is Cindy I am 5'5 100lbs 32b cup size with blonde hair and blue eyes. I have a firm body and am in very good shape. I had just finished high school a couple of months ago and found out that I needed to get a job to pay my new found bill. Also so I could go shopping of course a girl has needs you know. I started looking for a job the and best I could find with my limited education was as a waitress at this little bar. It was an alright place not high class by any means but not a total dive either. I made alright money at first but it was not enough I could only pay my bills and only barely. As I said a girl has needs like shopping. As I was sitting there one night after closing time I was talking to the bar tender telling her my problems. It's a cliché I know but she really did listen to me.

Her name is Linda. She looked at me and said look Hun I know you give great service. But it's the way you dress its just not sexy enough you have to make them want you then you can get anything you want from them. I was dumbfounded I just couldn't believe what she was saying I told her thanks for her advice but I'm sure that's not it and I went home. As the weeks went on I started realized she was right, I kept getting bad tips. Barley being able to Live off my meager check I decided to try it out I wore a mini that was about three quarter of the way down my thigh and a tight spaghetti strap shirt that showed off my smallish chest. By the end of the night I had made 200 in tips. As I ...

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