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Author: Lisa
Added: Dec 03 2007Views / Reads: 4394 / 3412 [78%]Story vote: 9.09 (11 votes)
she Discovers her friend and pee

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Hi. My name is Lisa. I am 27. 5'6 105lbs 36c cup size. I have blonde hair blue eyes. I have a skinny waist and a nicely curved ass. Not overly round nor to flat just right. In addition, I am completely shaven. I awoke this one summer afternoon. Slowly I rolled over to see my clock. Smiling to myself knowing that I did not have to be anywhere for anything. I lay there under my covers thinking of what I might do today. As I lay there, I realized how bad I had to go to the bathroom. I tried to concentrate on something other having to pee. Because I was so warm and comfortable. I went back to planning my day thinking about maybe going to the mall. On the other hand, having a coffee with a friend also sounded good. And that is when it happened with out realizing it my bladder let go and I started to pee. I laid there in shock not believing what was happening. As my bladder emptied its self-feeling the warm puddle grow underneath me. As soon as I finished peeing, I blushed to myself feeling like such a child for wetting the bed. Now you would figure I would get up right away instead of laying there in my own pee. But I didn't I just laid there feeling the warmth of my own pee under me. I wondered, why I didn't want to get up. I started to notice that I was becoming aroused. Feeling very turned on by what I had just done.

Without really thinking about it, I slid my hand under the waist of my warm and wet pajama bottoms. Feeling the warm moister on my fingers and ...

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