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Time for my wife to have dreams come truethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1876 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Writerex
Added: Dec 10 2007Views / Reads: 1974 / 1471 [75%]Part vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
I surprise my wife by being as adventuresome as she has been on our trip

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I was going to miss Gina. We left in separate taxis from the strip club. My wife had had a few serious and passionate kisses as we said goodbye to her. The encounter with Gina left me filled with questions about Gina and my wife. Was this an unusual occurrence in their lives? Was Gina a pick up artist? What attracted her to my wife? Of course, then it turned to more selfish questions like would it happen again and what could I do to make it happen or was it nothing more than a chance encounter that may never be repeated. When we arrived at the hotel as the sun was slowly rising. It had been a glorious time. My wife and I went straight to the room. We fell asleep holding each other tightly.

When we awoke several hours later, we both were hungry. I called for a lunch in the middle of the afternoon. The time change and our all night sexcapades made it impossible for us to adjust to local time. After lunch, we went to the spa located in the hotel One of thereasons, we had selected this hotel was for its well known spa. Prior to arriving we had made appointments at the spa. I thought it would help us with jet lag. My wife had an appointment for several treatments while I had an hour massage scheduled.

When we arrived, my wife was shown to a dressing room for ladies. The spa person was an attractive red head. My mind began to wander. In the past I would have fleeting thoughts when I encountered an attractive woman. After a single encounter, I now thought many things were possible. I made my way into the men's dressing area and disrobed in ...

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