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Reliving our wedding anniversary this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3406 words)

Author: LoveAshli Picture in profile
Added: Dec 14 2007Views / Reads: 1969 / 1589 [81%]Story vote: 9.40 (10 votes)
I decide to surprise my husband on our anniversary with a walk down memory lane. A romantic evening with his bride -- in her wedding gown and more.

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It's Monday morning and I'm still feeling the aching in my hips from our weekend of love making. It was our anniversary and I had been thinking for weeks how to make it special for Rob and me. And by the moaning in our hotel room and the way my legs feel two days later, I'm feeling pretty good that my plans had the desired effect.

I had been trying to think of ideas for weeks, but it was a casual lunch conversation with a co-worker that got my mind and my sexual juices flowing. She and I were chatting about her upcoming wedding taking place at a posh hotel. After the ceremony downstairs, they would retire to the super suite in the penthouse, and she was all concerned about damaging her dress....so she wanted some friends to help her undress from the gown, neatly pack it away and then get changed into something sexy for their first time as a married couple.

A few years ago, I was exactly the same. I thought "I must preserve the dress to pass down or save." But lately I've been realizing most gals don't want to wear their mom's dress. I hated my mother's dress and had to wiggle my way out of having to wear it by swearing the dress I chose was one Rob desperately wanted me in.

Our wedding night, I too had removed my gown and gotten into a simpler dress as we left the reception, also without the corset and stockings, etc. I still made sure to make it memorable for Rob, as we had adjourned to the bridal suite for most of the cocktail hour, waiting ...

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