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Her name is RIOthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 2032 words)

Author: Brandee
Added: Dec 27 2007Views / Reads: 5381 / 4589 [85%]Story vote: 9.35 (17 votes)
She realized why Rio is a city that drips with Sex!

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My husband decided to take me to Rio for a trip when he was going there to meet a client. I was as excited as anyone would be on just anticipating what it would be like to be in a place like Rio. There was so much I had read and heard about the place that I was dying to get there as soon as I was told about it.

Rio was everything and more than I had thought it would be. Amazing place, pulsating and vibrant. We had an awesome hotel suite with a spectacular view of the sea, with a private terrace just for ourselves. We did a lot of sight seeing and shopping on the day we got there, but from the next day it was getting increasingly difficult to spend time alone in an alien city; with the husband busy with his work for close to 16 hours a day, I was left to fend for myself.

On the third afternoon, wondering what to do, I chanced upon a channel on the television which told me about the services that the hotel offered, in which it was also mentioned MASSAGE. Thinking of it to be a good way to while away some time I called the number that was advertised and was asked whether I needed a male or a female masseur. "Obviously female," I told the person on the other side of the line.

In about twenty minutes I found myself answering the door to a drop dead gorgeous and voluptuous female, dressed in white, with a sleeveless top showcasing a perfect tan and an awesome cleavage and shorts that had the name of the hotel embroidered on it. Basically she was the typical ...

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