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Lake Wanderlee Adventure-Chapter 5 this story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 7570 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Dec 29 2007Views / Reads: 566 / 457 [81%]Part vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
Shelli puts her sculpture and her life on display and the winner is...

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Lesbian 7181 words


Chapter 5 The finale

Sherri exhibits her sculpture, but the prize she wins is more than she could ever have dreamed of.

- 5 - The long drive home from Lake Wanderlee gave me a lot of time to think. I wasn't sure exactly how I'd tell Lilly and Jillian. Lily knew Jennifer, or at least they'd met but I didn't think Jillian did. Oh, she might know of her, but I didn't think they'd ever met. So how do I explain that I was head-over-heals insanely in love with the woman that I was supposed to avoid? How would they react when they learned that I was, at the very least, bisexual, if not a total lesbian?

For now, there were more important things to do. I had to have a place to live until school started and I had to get my pieces over to the Arts building so I had time to get them submitted before the rush started. All that I needed for the first semester was the sculpture and one canvas, but I wouldn't be able to relax until they were both safe and secure in the class exhibit area.

Fortunately, my first problem was solved when the key was right where I ...

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