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Memories of a Pup Tent Part Two of Two this story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 2727 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: indulger2005 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 13 2008Views / Reads: 798 / 571 [72%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
I was not ready for my soldier to submit to me, I needed the powerful fuck he had given many years before. I craved the man that was;

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(Note from author I hope you like the second half as much as the first part, I made a mistake when I posted the first half it was supposed to end, before picking him up at the airport, after the airport was where the second part was to begin, what's done is done enjoy)

Memories of a Pup Tent Part Two of Two

I was not ready for my soldier to submit to me, I needed the powerful fuck he had given many years before. I craved the man that was; I had to find the words that would not offend or make him think that I was unappreciative, of what he wanted to do to me. I did not want to turn him off, but now I needed to be, used.

"Carver, oh man I have longed for you for some years, no one has ever taken me the way you did. Can't we, just reminisce imagine that we are in that freezing pup tent, and you taking me with brute force?"

"But, I left you high and dry, I barely touched you, then I became isolated, I swore if I had one more chance. I would make it up to you! " Carver said.

"That was the way it was then, I was your vessel to use, lets take it natural lets not make it required you are who you are, and I am who I am. ...

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