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special delivery giftsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 15080 words)

Author: DEUCE
Added: Jan 17 2008Views / Reads: 2686 / 2196 [82%]Story vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Man with white beard plays Santa for neighbors who need gifts delivered to wives on Christmas Eve because they have to work. Santa adds some special handling to the gifts the ladies are all happy.

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One week before Christmas, my friend and neighbor Pat asked me for a favor. His company had waited too long to reserve one of the nicer venues for their Christmas party. Because of this, their party was to be held on Christmas Eve. Pat's very pregnant assistant, Mary, was the person who should have made the reservations. Mary apparently forgot to make the reservations.

Mary's baby came six weeks early. Mary had some complications. It seems that Mary and the baby are well and now at home. Mary is expected to return to work after the first of the year. Mary and Pat's secretary would normally have to stay after the party to handle the clearing of company property, computers used for music and games, special logo signs, etc. because of the date and time, Pat had to be there. He then had to calculate and pay the special bonuses needed to get the servers, bartenders, bus boys and cooks to work late on Christmas Eve. The short story is that he would not be able to get home until well after midnight. He thought he might make it by 3:00 A.M. if he was lucky. They had to go out of state, across the river to find a place to have the party. ...

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