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Hidden Magicthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 7351 words)

Author: Echick
Added: Jan 18 2008Views / Reads: 1644 / 954 [58%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Young and forced to be on her own in a land of enchantment. Kethry meets him in strange twist of events. A novel of those ancient times of magic and mysticism.

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Hidden Magic by EChik©

In the pitch black darkness, only her eyes glowed, as if floating in the night. Her body shifted against the dark stallion, hooves beating against the soggy ground, still wet from the rains that had plagued her day. Kethry wrapped her cloak tightly against her body, her limbs aching from hours of riding, her stomach clenching painfully from lack of nourishment. Soon, they would reach a village where she could settle for the night and seek welcome warmth form the damp, night air, so chilled, it made her shiver and huddle against the saddle, seeking the warmth of the stallion. She yawned tiredly and let her mind wander back in time. It had been two years, years that had flown by without a hitch since fleeing her childhood home. It seemed only a distant memory now, but one that haunted her still. Anger clenched at her heart as she remembered painfully the lonely, frightful nights. She had never belonged there. After the unexpected death of her father, shortly after her birth, her mother had turned to her uncle for support. However, tragedy seemed to bind itself to her life and just as she was reaching her budding teenage years, her mother fell ill and passed away.

Her uncle, who had become rather fond of her mother, became a raging, abusive drunk, neglecting his family, while relentlessly terrorizing Kethry, who, it seemed had become a portrait of her dead mother. Day after day, night after night, she prayed for a means of escape. Then, finally, on her eighteenth birthday, opportunity came together with ...

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