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Not Badthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:oral sex, 997 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: STave
Added: Oct 28 2000Views / Reads: 902 / 2 [0%]Part vote: 5.00 (2 votes)
As a continuation of the Zandro saga, Zandro now focuses his attention towards his roommate. He's going to give him the same treatment as what he gave to Harry, the most exciting and wet blowjob ever?

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Continued story of Not Bad

..."Not Bad." Harry went blank, mystified by Zandro's sexpert touch. Zandro then stood up, with his hung going from left to right in a cradle of his awesome balls. He then pivoted and faced his roommate, Steven. Steven was now fretting and trampling his ands on his pants trying to let out his hard-on; it got stuck along the ribbing of his brief. So what he did was to let it out of he leg hole instead, his single ball peeped through along with his dick. Steven was nervous, he was trembling and sweat popped out of his forehead. Zandro was now facing him, Steven looked at Zandro from the thighs then traveled his eyes along his body. His eyes stopped somewhere at his waist where Zandro's meat was, then let it travel again towards the torso then to the head. He watched Zandro whose eyes were focused on his cock, then lifted his eyelids to look at Steven. Zandro moved closer and posted himself in the middle of Steven's widespread legs. Once he was at the middle, he himself spread his legs, which made Steven's legs spread much wider.

A smile smeared on his face, "Steven...dear Steven, how can I do you?" Saying that, Zandro knelt just like what he did with Harry. Zandro then placed his steady hands on Steven's chest. He unbuttoned his shirt and parted it, releasing Steven's hotness. A drop of sweat ran from Steven's neck towards his stomach. Before it reached further down, Zandro leaned over and licked it. Zandro licked it off then ...

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