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Alex's adventures: part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3808 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: silent prophet Picture in profile
Added: Feb 01 2008Views / Reads: 1105 / 970 [88%]Part vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
Alex has had sex for the first time and is eagre to explore this new path her life has taken. the sneaking around only makes the experience that much more exciting.

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Alex's Adventures: Part 2

It had been 3 days since Alex had seen James, and they had been the longest days of her life. Ever since they had slept together the fantasies she had envisioned beforehand came back to her vividly, although the given the situation, they now seemed more like ideas for future encounters.

She had considered calling him or going over to see him, but every time she tried she was stopped by a feeling of dread, that perhaps that night had just been a one time thing, or worse, that she was now just another notch on his bedpost. After a few more hours of deliberating she decided to throw caution to the wind, and just call him.

The phone rang several times before James' mother, Kerry, picked it up, much to Alex's distress.

After a few moments of silence, her years of babysitting practice kicked in. " Hey Kerry, I was just wondering whether or not you needed a sitter for Emily tonight" she said, suddenly excited at the prospect of not only getting out of a potentially sticky situation, but also of possibly seeing James.

"Not tonight Alex, but tomorrow night we will, it is my birthday, and I am going out with a few friends to have some drinks, I was going to ...

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