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Birthdaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3231 words)

Author: Phoebus
Added: Feb 01 2008Views / Reads: 1423 / 914 [64%]Story vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
The young lady has a night to remember

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She awoke late in the morning, the dull throb of the night before still ringing in her ears. The music had been loud, the company well met and the drinks had been, for the most part, free flowing.

She shared her bed with him. He had come across the country to spend her special day with her. He was a warm presence in her bed, she was not sure if it was reassuring or not. Her mind flashed back over the last few days.

He had contacted via IM, and told her he would be traveling through the area. Would she join him for dinner or at the least a cup of coffee? Being cautious, she chose coffee, if they did not click, no harm no foul, she thought.

He was charming and easy on the eyes, she enjoyed the conversation and the banter. They both kept it light and easy, as they both knew it was casual. She reminded him that is was her birthday and that she was going out with her friends that evening. And near the end of their coffee, she suggested that he join them later. She gave him a number to call and they parted ways, He to his hotel and she to her apartment.

She spent the last part of the afternoon and early evening deciding what to wear. The leather dress - yes The fishnet thigh high stockings - yes The garter belt - yes Panties - she could not decide. The rest decided itself around the skirt, her blouse, makeup and jewelry all ...

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