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New Slut in Townthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2473 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Feb 03 2008Views / Reads: 3415 / 3072 [90%]Story vote: 8.92 (12 votes)
How he found out his wife was a brand new whore.

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My wife is the sweetest, most likeable woman in the world. She teaches Sunday school, teaches bible classes two nights a week, volunteers to work for every worthwhile charity in town and the strongest cuss word I've ever heard her utter is ‘darn'. She is a great mother to our kids and has been a fabulous wife for me and I'm not kidding when I say that Marlene has absolutely no faults as a person. But not every one sees her the same way I do. You see, Marlene has a problem - she looks like a slut.

It's really not her fault and outside of never leaving the inside of our house there doesn't seem to be anything she can do about it. It doesn't matter how she wears her hair, what style of clothes or make up she wears she still looks like and gives off the aura of a slut. She looked like a slut in her wedding dress, she looked like a slut in her maternity clothes, and when her father died and she went to his funeral in basic black and wearing a veil she still looked like a slut.

In all honesty the slutty look is one of the reasons that I started dating Marlene. I thought she was a slut and I was going to get an easy piece of ass, but I was soon disabused of that notion in the form of a ringing slap across my face on our second date. It only took the two dates to show me what kind of person that she really was and by then I was hooked - hooked on and fascinated by the contrast between the person she was and the person she looked like. The slutty look is a major turn on for me and fortunately Marlene is an absolute slut in ...

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