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Z’s Christmas party Surprise---A cuckold’s Storythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4980 words)

Author: ftworthmwm4play Picture in profile
Added: Feb 08 2008Views / Reads: 2981 / 2488 [83%]Story vote: 9.00 (9 votes)
Z’s Christmas party Surprise---A cuckold’s Story (names are changed to protect the guilty!) Before I met and married Z, my wife of 28 years, I was married to Sharon while I was in college and right after. While I was still in graduate school Sharon we

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Z's Christmas party Surprise---A cuckold's Story (names are changed to protect the guilty!)

Before I met and married Z, my wife of 28 years, I was married to Sharon while I was in college and right after. While I was still in graduate school Sharon went to work for a local high tech company where she was a secretary to a top manager named Pete. Pete was almost 20 years older than we were and a very sophisticated guy, an executive at this important company (you'd recognize the name of it if I could risk putting it here).

I was consumed in my work as a graduate student in those days, but Sharon and I had some chances to attend social functions with her company, and with Pete in particular. I wanted to go into the same industry Pete's company when I graduated, so I thought Pete would be a good connection. Sharon, inevitably, became very interested in these outings, which were pretty high-end affairs, and I noticed she was more and more attentive, almost seductive, with Pete, who had a kind of casual way of making it seem natural.

To get to the point, it wasn't long before Pete was fucking Sharon, of course, which was hard for me to take, but probably aroused or confirmed in me a latent interest in the cuckold-type relationship; although I didn't realize it at the time. With Sharon that wasn't manifested, although when I found out Sharon was fucking him, it was ...

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