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My Daughters Boyfriendthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 2963 words)

Author: Matthew Fox
Added: Feb 13 2008Views / Reads: 7579 / 6329 [84%]Story vote: 8.38 (8 votes)
When Mr.Brink meets his daugters new boyfriend, what happens when he seduces Mr.Brink?

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"So I'll see you at 11:00?" Katie said "Yes" I replied "Dad, um, can I have about twenty more bucks?" she asked with the puppy dog tone I cannot and never will be able to resist. I sigh as though I don't want to give it to her but she does deserve it. I reach into my wallet pull out a crisp twenty-dollar bill, and hand it to her. She says thanks and goes into the mall with the strut she got from her mom. I drive away with that feeling of sickness my mother told me about that I would get when I am away from my children. I never believed her but it feels as though I am constantly going down the hills of a roller coaster. Katie, 16, is my amazing daughter. Her mother died when I was 29 and when Katie was three from cerebral palsy, and it's has been difficult raising her alone. Especially since, she is a girl. There are many things I feel embarrassed about helping her with. She has boy trouble and drama that I don't know the answers to because I didn't have to deal with that through high school. I get back to our house, and have to sit here for three hours while I wait for eleven o'clock to roll around. I go to the fridge grab a Coke and go to the front room to watch some TV. Of course the only thing on are some reality shows and fake teenage dating shows. I turn off the TV and go the computer. I check my e-mail and want to check Katie's MySpace but don't because I am trying my hardest not to be the parent who gets into everything. I drive back to the mall and wait for Katie. She comes out of the front doors her amber eyes filled with tears. She gets in the car and as soon as she sits down, she says "I don't want to talk about it. Not now." I want to talk to her but I figure its best not to. We get back to the ...

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