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kitchen heatthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1986 words)

Author: mrsinsation Picture in profile
Added: Feb 20 2008Views / Reads: 1336 / 1013 [76%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
A friendly neighbor offers to cut his hair in her kitchen and sensual teasing arouses the erotic tension until they can't resist sharing each others sexual heat.

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Kellie was my neighbor friend and she worked as a hairstylist. When I asked about her about making an appointment for a haircut with her she graciously offered to cut my hair at her place instead, and commented with a sly smile, "I'm sure I can think of a way for you to make it up to me."

I brought over a bottle of wine for her in appreciation of her offer. I sat on a short stool in the middle of Kellie's kitchen as she worked her way around me, cutting my hair and sipping a glass of wine. Neither of us were in a relationship at the time, and our conversation turned into sharing stories and laughing about the frustrations and quirks we experienced in our previous relationships as well as some nightmare date stories.

Kellie was wearing a knee length sundress without a bra, and I couldn't help noticing her hardening nipples as she manuevered close alongside me. As we talked and laughed, it seemed to me that her occasional brushing and pressing against me was occurring more often, lingering a little longer each time. At first I was just enjoying the warmth of her touch, and the light scent of her perfume, not really thinking much more into it. However, I couldn't help becoming more aroused as she leaned in closer to my side, pressing her warm dress covered mound against my bicep. Her hips shifting slowly from side to side, as her mound rubbed against my arm.


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