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Donna and the Flight Attendantthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 3178 words)

Author: Q-Tip
Added: Oct 31 2000Views / Reads: 5620 / 5023 [89%]Story vote: 8.83 (6 votes)
Donna, the co-ed from Donna's Spring Break, meets a beautiful flight attendant on a long cross-country flight.

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"Please place your tray tables and seat backs in the upright and locked position in preparation for our landing in San Francisco," was the announcement over the loud speaker. "The current time in San Francisco is 6:00 a.m. We know that you have many choices when you fly and we appreciate you choosing United."

I didn't have that many choices. Not for a cheap red-eye all the way across the country. It had been an incredibly fascinating flight, however.

My name is Donna, by the way. I wrote another story about my spring break in Florida. For those of you who haven't read that story, this is a little about me. I'm small, maybe 5'1" and less than 100 pounds. My dad is Portuguese and my mother's Greek, and I've got dark hair and olive skin. I also have great breasts. They're not really huge; I'm between a "C" cup and a "D" cup, but as small as I am they look immense on me, and they're perfectly shaped with just a little droop. I could admire my tits in the mirror for hours.

I also have a fat cunt. That's how one of my old boyfriends described it, he said my cunt was fat. What he meant was that my labia is big and hangs down from my body. My hood is also very big and my clit sticks out of it. It never goes down it's just big. When I get ...

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