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Moment of madnessthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1663 words)

Author: Yorky male
Added: Feb 26 2008Views / Reads: 1740 / 1448 [83%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
My first meeting with the neighbour, and boy it was good! A classic styled story, good sex, nothing strange or kinky, just good clean fun!

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A new house, a new me.

I needed excitement, and boy was I about to get it! This story is about the day I moved house with the family back in 2004. The sun was out, being early May, and had turned the grass a mild shade of Pecan. It was hot enough to sunbathe, and I had just packed the kids off to school. The wife was at work, and I was taking a much needed rest from my employment.

It was Wednesday, I remember it well. We had not yet met the neighbours, but we had been told that they were a young couple like us, around 25 years old, from Eastern Europe. I was cleaning in the bedroom and worked my way to the windowsill whistling to a well known tune that had stuck in my mind from the radio. As I polished the windowsill, I noticed someone laying on the lawn in the garden next door. After further inspection it turned out to be the lady of the house, and boy did she warrant further inspection! A closer look revealed a wonderfully shaped body. She was laying on her belly but her rear was delightful! As firm as you could wish for from what I could see underneath the slight shorts. The waistline dipped inwards which highlighted the curves beautifully, up to a head of long straight brown hair topped with a baseball cap. She was wearing a bikini top which was unclasped at the back, which all made for a delicious view. I stopped polished and began to daydream, as any man would.


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