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When You're Hot!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3072 words)

Author: Peter_Pan
Added: Feb 28 2008Views / Reads: 2809 / 2290 [82%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
Eighteen-year old Kirsty finds herself at the mercy of rampaging hormones and sets about addressing the situation.

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No one could fault her upbringing, Kindly and attentive father, supportive mother who if anything, erred on the side of conservatism She got on well with her siblings - an elder sister and younger brother. Neither of whom had set a foot wrong in their journey through adolescence.

She dressed tastefully, mixed in acceptable social circles and was altogether a credit to her parents, not to mention Braidwood High that she attended in Boulder County

The only vague disquiet on the Western Front were those infuriating little hormones. Having turned eighteen the previous week, Kirsty was "hot" 24/7 - it was a real curse. Waking up with her hands in her panties was now a regular event as was her newly-found propensity to trawl porn sites on her home computer - erotic story posts especially. Problem is, it just made her hotter. Reading about young girls making out with their brothers, their brothers' friends - even their fathers, just made her want to experience such things first hand...as it were. She knew boys at school found her attractive, it was just a matter of orchestrating her own little sex-ed class.

Her first foray into the realms of the erotic was not entirely fulfilling.

Eric Lander at eighteen was something less than Rhett Butler let's say. ...

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