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The Blow Job Lessonthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 7341 words)

Author: Jo Jo Picture in profile
Added: Feb 29 2008Views / Reads: 6175 / 3701 [60%]Story vote: 8.86 (14 votes)
where I learnt a thing or two

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The Blow Job Lesson

NB - this is a British story, in English , so Fanny means vagina , not bottom. Ok? Just for reference it's used as I guess a non erotic reference to

the vagina. E.g. "Gad, Petunia, Sir Roger's not going to get his leg over tonight, I've got a right sore fanny after that last canter".

When I was about 18/19, I was living at my mom's near Solihull and had just about to start work. I was going out with my young and pretty boyfriend Mark, and I had little experience of sex really, well little expertise should I say. My male model boyfriend was phenomenally Randy with me, but because he was inexperienced and , well inept really, I was not as keen as he was, though I would happily lie there for him for the couple of minutes he'd take to fill a condom.

Sorry Mark, but true.

Between uni (dropping out of) and work I'd do what I could to get some money, working at the local Toby Inn, and babysitting for a neighbour. This was a nice area, and a nice attractive rich professional couple in their 40's, with a seven year old son, they were John and Sonia, known to most as "John and Sonn". Sometimes they'd come back from ...

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