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Room Servicethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 7082 words)

Author: Peter_Pan
Added: Mar 06 2008Views / Reads: 4107 / 3113 [76%]Story vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Sometimes you can check into the right hotel on exactly the right day!

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The most bizarre stream of occurrences have dogged my life ever since I was born in London after my mother's water broke in Wales. I never looked back. Following major bus, bike, ship and plane mishaps, being placed under armed guard by Russian soldiers, trapped in an elevator in Japan with the Indian Prime Minister, arrested in LA on suspicion of burglary in San Francisco, two days before I ever went there, things only got worse. En-route to Vancouver I ended up in Australia by mistake, got called-up for Vietnam, had two cars written-off within twenty minutes of each other, one by the Australian Prime Minister. Blown half-way across Park Lane by a terrorist bomb, accused of [censored] by a seventeen year old female student in payback for saying "no thanks."

Like I said - not your average life by a long shot. Still, to experience diversions such as this little tale, it was all worth it!

Now, it hasn't all been bad news. For some reason I have been blessed with an abundance of sexual opportunity all my life, from ten upwards. I figure God had the inclination to balance things up somewhere down the line.

In the late eighties, early to mid nineties, I was the marketing manager of the Australian-based branch of a Canadian conglomerate. Part of my job spec, being closeted up in Sydney NSW, was a bi-monthly State Managers' meeting held in Melbourne. I always stayed in the same hotel - best remaining un-named I imagine. Suffice to say it is probably the ...

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