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General Contractorthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2009 words)

Author: shadypony
Added: Mar 08 2008Views / Reads: 7125 / 6041 [85%]Story vote: 9.40 (15 votes)
I met some construction guys at their job site, and things got really wild! Group sex, M/F/M

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I was coming to the end of another bar shift, it was a good day, and all of my regulars had come in to see me. This included the construction guy that I had been blowing and telling my husband about. He loved to hear about my naughty indiscretions, and I felt like a total slut while I was doing them.

That afternoon, the construction guy asked if I wanted to come on out to the job site after work, since he and the guys were going to hang out and drink beer. I told him that sounded like fun, and he gave me directions on how to get there, as well as a suggestive glance before he left.

I finished up, and headed over to visit the guys. When I got there, they were all standing around in a den area sipping Budweiser's. They had a few sawhorses holding up some plywood for a makeshift table. They covered it with drop cloths, and that's where they gathered since the cooler was stationed there. The room was lit with shop lights, and it was creating a pleasantly warm glow. There was music playing on a boom box.

The boys all turned towards me when I entered the room, and Curtis, who was the contractor, came over and greeted me with a kiss, right in front of his crew. This was unsettling at first, since I didn't think any of the guys knew about the secret blowjobs that I had been giving their boss. I recovered and smiled warmly at him, as he led me towards ...

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