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Olivia Lavande, Sex Therapistthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5803 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: le Papiers Érotiques Picture in profile
Added: Mar 12 2008Views / Reads: 2738 / 2147 [78%]Part vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
Sexual Pleasure can heal all things

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William checked the address on the piece of paper and looked at the building in front of him; fifty-four twenty-six west Orion. He stopped in front of a security speaker system and pressed the call button.

"Yes?" Came a quiet, female voice.

"Umm, yeah, yes, hi, hello, uh, my name is William, William Bertrand, I have an appointment with Miss Lavande?"

A loud ‘click' sounded from the gate and William pulled it open and stepped inside. He had never seen anything like it; it was as if he were transported instantly to another country. The fence that surrounded the property was iron flanked with bamboo on either side. He was standing on a granite bridge which led him over a koi pond and cascading waterfalls to a pair of shoji doors. As if on cue the doors slid open and revealed a young woman clad in a long black silk robe with a scarlet sash around her waist.

"Please come with me," she said and turned abruptly, walking through a second pare of doors and into a center courtyard. The building was in the shape of a large rectangle with multiple rooms along the exterior. They walked quickly along the wooden floors, passing room after room. All of the doors were closed, and though he could hear nothing more than gurgling fountains mixed with classical music, he sensed that none of the rooms were empty. ...

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