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Zonkedthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 1595 words)

Author: habu
Added: Mar 13 2008Views / Reads: 1552 / 1298 [84%]Story vote: 8.70 (10 votes)
Doing Sleeping Beauty

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I had literally creamed myself almost nightly for Phil's body, but Phil was about as straight as they come—and getting all the female tail he could handle if all the talk around campus was true. We were both attending the university on athletic scholarships—Phil on a football and baseball scholarship and me on a wrestling scholarship, wrestling being a good way for me to get down and dirty with other hot, sweating, muscular dudes. We roomed in the same suite, athletes being given separate bedrooms in a suite of eight rooms with a communal head and shower. And I had ached for three months into the school year, being able to see Phil's beautiful, cut body in the shower almost daily, but knowing that he would never take interest in another guy as long as he was being worn out by the campus cunts.

And then I got a gift from heaven. We were at lunch, when Phil was telling us about the physical exam he had to take before the baseball season and that they were doing full exams, including MRI's and colonoscopies—the exam where they send a tube with a camera all the way up into your intestines from your asshole to check for cancerous polyps. They were being required this year because some dude had dropped over dead on the baseball diamond last season.

Phil was being asked if he feared the colonoscopy, because having some tube running up your ass canal was no picnic. I was thinking that the dude just didn't understand what a picnic that really could be when I heard Phil answer that they were trying a new technique on the team. ...

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