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Spacedthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 3146 words)

Author: habu
Added: Mar 17 2008Views / Reads: 1151 / 705 [61%]Story vote: 5.33 (3 votes)
Over the barrel in a life-and-death situation

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"God Dammit, what does the Ruskie want now?" Mission Control's eyes were blazing. He knew the communications officer was in his office again because of the Russian cosmonaut. Nearly all visits by the commo officer was because of the Russian cosmonaut.

"He says he can't check and repair the space shuttle, General Bendix, Sir." The commo officer was standing stiff as a rod. He knew Mission Control was at the end of his patience and that someone had to take the heat. And since the Russian cosmonaut was on the other side of the moon in the international space station, the commo officer knew that someone a bit closer to home was going to take the heat.

"Can't check out the shuttle?" Bendix quietly repeated. And then he exploded. "He's got to check the space shuttle and repair it, if it needs that. He's the only one up there qualified to do it. Our two astronauts are responsible for other things. Someone's got to make sure the panels didn't get damaged when the shuttle docked with the station; that's his job up there. Otherwise they can't come home and we can't dock another shuttle. Get back on the horn and build a fire under his ass."

"Yes, sir!"

Twenty minutes later the commo officer was back. "Umm, sir, Cosmonaut Goren says he wants to do the check and repair work, but he just can't. ...

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