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Medical proceduresthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1113 words)

Author: Shayla Picture in profile
Added: Mar 22 2008Views / Reads: 5679 / 5 [0%]Story vote: 9.31 (16 votes)
I was asked by a fan if I have ever had any doctor visits that I might consider sexual. These are my two experiences.

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I was asked by a fan if I had ever had any sexual encounters while having a medical procedure, so my two experiences follow.

A couple of years ago I was having some medical issues and had to go in for a colonoscopy. I am a lover of anal sex, so I requested that they forgo the medication which is an amnesiac. I told them that I had heard some horror stories about people having nightmarish experiences while under the effects of the amnesiac. I didn't want them to know that truthfully I was looking forward to having my ass probed like never before.

Once there for the procedure, they had me undress and put on one of those backless paper gowns. There with me was the male doctor and a female nurse to assist. I was lying on my side on the table in the fetal position with my bare ass hanging out and my cheeks spread wide by a stainless steel medical tool. I bet I was quite a sight having my private parts on full display like that.

He started by applying some lube to my anus, pushing some inside using his fingers. He then put the camera against my hole and pushed gently. It was cold, so I puckered up at first, but I relaxed as he began to ease it in farther and farther very slowly so he could view the image, steering it this way and that through my insides. There was some discomfort, similar to cramps, but the sexual sensations at my anus were too good to stop now. I was in there for a few hours and had quite ...

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