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A Lesson Learnedthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 1954 words)

Author: Dmarie Picture in profile
Added: Mar 22 2008Views / Reads: 4327 / 3628 [84%]Story vote: 8.50 (10 votes)
Melissa's best friend is getting married, but the bride doesn't know her soon to be husband is a cheater. Melissa teaches him a lesson .

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Melissa's best friend was getting married, she was the maid of honor. She had gotten to know the groom pretty well during the past 2 years and one thing she knew, she did not like.

The soon to be married couple, Doreen and Mike, appeared to be pretty happy. They got along well and enjoyed a lot of the same things. Doreen was so excited, she adored Mike so much and she was always telling Melissa about the great sex they had so often and some of the things they have done. What Doreen didn't know, was that Melissa happened to catch Mike with a few other women on occasion over the 2 years she has known him. She mentioned to him two times a while back that he needs to stop but swore she wouldn't tell Doreen as long as he did. So she blew it off with hopes that it would end, but last weekend, Mike had told Doreen he needed to go on a one day business trip on Saturday and will be back very late that night. Melissa was on her way back from a friend's and spotted him with yet, another woman. That did it, she can't let her best friend marry this cheating bastard, now it's time to teach him a lesson.

Melissa had called on an old friend, Lisa, which wasn't exactly known as a "good girl". Mike never met her so this would be perfect. She told Lisa about what has been going on, shown her a picture of him and that she needed her to happen to run into him at the nearby cafe.

Melissa told her,"Get him to agree on a meeting tonight at the motel ...

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