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Substitutethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 4758 words)

Author: habu
Added: Mar 29 2008Views / Reads: 2481 / 1867 [75%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
While waiting for the roommate to take interest

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Cliff took me for granted. For some reason he thought I was safe. Once I overheard him tell one of those guys he brought home that he wanted only straight roommates, guys who wouldn't hit on him, because he only wanted to fuck when he was in the mood. Well, he had been in the mood a lot these past several weeks. And he also didn't know me worth spit. I only stayed around here and waited on him and cleaned up after him like I did because I wanted him.

I wanted him so bad.

I'd stay awake nights waiting to hear the scrape of the key in the lock. Then I'd hold my breath and close my eyes tight in case he checked on me before he took his pick of the night to his room. I'd wait until I started to hear the moaning and then I'd quietly leave my bed and steal across to the dark living room, right there in the darker shadow of the TV cabinet, where I could get a good view of the bed in his room. He never shut the door. It was almost as if he expected me to watch—but I'm sure he didn't, because he sure didn't show any interest in me when we were alone.

Sometimes Cliff was the top and sometimes he was the bottom. I only really got into the scene when he was the top, though. I wanted him to top me. I'd never done it with a guy before, but I knew from the first time I saw him fucking one of those guys he'd brought home late at night that I wanted him to fuck me. I'd watch them sucking each other ...

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