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Great Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1481 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Apr 02 2008Views / Reads: 3911 / 3057 [78%]Story vote: 8.18 (11 votes)
Went to a friends party and after getting the hostess drunk, snuck out and had some fun...

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Great Party

It was a nice Saturday afternoon, as I went through my closet looking for a decent outfit to wear to the party that I was going to attend later that day. I had been invited over to a couple's party at their home, and I was looking forward to hanging out and having a few drinks. I grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt, and headed into the shower. I had known this couple for a while and I enjoyed the parties that they threw every so often for everyone to hang out and have a good time. I washed up and headed out to my car. It didn't take long for me to arrive at their home. The hostess greeted me at the door and she was looking pretty good. She greeted me with a hug and a kiss, in her short skirt and red tank top. She was showing a great amount of cleavage and she sure had a great set of tits. It was no secret to me that she was attracted to me, but she was in a long-term relationship and she was happy with it, so any chances I would ever have had to be in my dreams.

We headed upstairs to her brother's apartment where the party was being held. She lived on the first floor, but her brother had a huge flat screen and a big living room so the partied were usually in his place. I followed her sweet ass up the stairs, trying to get a peek up her skirt as I walked. Once I arrived upstairs, I greeted a few other people who were there, and the beer began to flow.


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