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Water under the bridge ~part six~ A Day at the Beachthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 10114 words) [6/6] show all parts

Author: P2 Picture in profile
Added: Apr 04 2008Views / Reads: 88 / 77 [88%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Reunited with Danielle and her new friends Life has it's way of recycling everything

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I didn't go to see ‘Chicken Run'; Priya wanted to see that movie with me; She went with someone else. I went to see ‘Gladiator', that was how I was feeling, chopping things up with a sword and the like. The movie was fantastic, but not as good as 'Crouching Tiger', but what do you expect from those people who give awards. After the movie, which was playing down the street from Priya's house, I had to run to the train to get back to the ghetto, back to J.P. Since the trains stop running at midnight, I had to act fast. I ran down the stairs as I heard the train come to a halt. I flew past the moneychanger booth guy and made it all the way down the stairs at Davis Square to meet the door closing in my face. Fuming, I banged and spit on the door and then went back up the stairs to cuss out the moneychanger booth guy. I argued at him for a while as onlookers watched the Irate Black Man blow of some steam. I realized how long my walk was, so I abruptly stopped and started my journey home. I did catch the bus when I got to Harvard Square, an enlightening walk, but I also lost the silver "Om" pendant and chain that I wore around my waist, an unnoticed omen.

Early the next morning, I was on the bus to Wood's Hole. I had packed my bag with clothes, music, and a digital camera... Ya never know. My ride was long but it brought back memories of the two years that I spent riding back and forth, to Danielle's house. Be it in New York City or Falmouth, I was always on trek to get some of that beautiful little pussy.


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