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The Wedding Planner chp.10this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2324 words) [10/15] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 05 2008Views / Reads: 1141 / 995 [87%]Part vote: 9.89 (9 votes)
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She was all set to play the role of pissed off wife when Jake got home. On her flight home from Chicago she had given some thought as to how someone who really loved her husband would take what was going on as far as Jake's job was concerned. She figured that a loving wife would be more and more upset as things went on and then she would finally get pissed. So, although she was tickled to death to have him gone she needed to appear to be pissed at him for all of his absences.

"Honey, I'm home" he called out as he came in the front door and dropped his suitcase on the floor. She glanced at her watch and saw that it was twenty after nine. She was in the family room reading (on the same couch where Harvey and Tony had double-teamed her) and she didn't answer. She had a fine line that she had to walk. She had to play the upset and extremely pissed off wife while at the same time not letting things get so out of hand that there would be no fucking that night. She had fucked Jared three times between the time she got up and left his place to catch her flight and, as always, it was important to her that she give Jake pussy that someone else had recently used. Jake came into the room and said:

"There you are. Don't I get a hug and a kiss?"

She ignored him and kept on reading her book. He stood there looking at her, apparently unsure of what was going on.


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