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WHISKEY DICKthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 18744 words)

Author: thewwarriorhealer Picture in profile
Added: Apr 06 2008Views / Reads: 8353 / 7326 [88%]Story vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
One well hung man, who continues to stay hard, and two sexy older women, all a bit drunk, cross boundaries and explore each other to new sexual delights.

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For any fans of my work, this has taken quite awhile to write as I had to remember all the details. Enjoy and let me know what you think.


John got dropped off at his apartment around 2am after spending quite a few hours drinking with some friends. Comfortably numb, he really didn't stumble around as he walked up the stairs and opened the door, but not after realizing that it was just a bit hard to focus on small objects like keyholes. Undressing took some coordination but he managed to get down to his boxer shorts without falling to the floor. Needing to pee, he made is way to the toilet. Resting against the wall with his hand, John enjoyed the sweet release as the urine forcefully shot out the pisshole of his thick, flaccid penis. Smiling at the pleasure it brought him; he shook vigorously, flushed the toilet and washed his hands. As he was drying them on the towel, he got the idea to sit in the hot tub by the pool. Grabbing the towel, he made his way into the kitchen, grabbed a cold bottle of beer, and made his way out to the tub. Normally he would have changed into a pair of shorts, but John wasn't thinking too clearly.

Letting his towel plop to the ground, he realized his keys were still in the apartment. A silly smile crept across his face, remembering the hidden one he kept. Setting the timer, he eased into the hot water, grunting and groaning as his sore muscles responded to the heat. ...

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