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Shoe Storethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2642 words)

Author: Vicarious
Added: Apr 07 2008Views / Reads: 2113 / 1838 [87%]Story vote: 8.55 (11 votes)
Needing a break from traffic I went inside a shoe store ... and met Marcy.

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It was another typical Friday and I had just gotten off work. Traffic was intolerable and my feet were killing me. As I was leaving my apartment that morning I had accidentally put on the wrong shoes. I was about to explode in anger as I laid on my horn. Glancing to the little strip mall across from where I was waiting impatiently, I saw a new shoe store that advertised 50% off all shoes.

I had to go over the curb and around several trees but I got a parking spot in the front of the store; chirping my alarm I limped through the door.

"Hello!" I said trying not to sound rude as I walked into the store and grabbed the small annoying bell that was wired to the door. I saw no one and was about to mumble about how their service sucks, when I heard a voice.

"Hi! May I help you?" A distant voice said.

I looked around, but saw no one. Again I was about to speak, when I heard a squeaking sound. She mumbled something about being right there in a few minutes. I didn't want to wait. I searched for the voice.

In the third aisle there was a rickety ladder leaning onto the shelves of shoe boxes. My eyes were still adjusting from the daylight to the din of the tiny store, but I saw a figure on the ladder, up near the ...

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