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Kath and Hal Get A House Mate!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3578 words) [1/6] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Apr 09 2008Views / Reads: 2497 / 1759 [70%]Part vote: 9.33 (6 votes)
On a "let's pretend date," Kath and Mary play the role of innocent coeds whose dates want to fuck them -- and Ed makes the surprise offer of letting Mary stay with them for a month while he travels. Then he does a long seduction of Kath, who eag

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Well, well, my dears, big news today: Mary is going to live with Hal and me for about a month while her husband Ed does a real estate deal in Hong Kong. To be an idea of who she is, and why this is going to be such a treat for both of us (and especially me) see our postings under the heading OUR FIRST 2F/1M THRESOME, a multi-part thing that went up in the course of March.

As you will discover, not only is Mary a great sex partner - with both of us, in fact, because like me, she is bi - but she is a woman I love dearly. Were it not for the [censored] implication, I would term her "my new sister." She is that, and more. Our liking for one another was instant, and within hours it went through phrases from infatuation to outright love.

So, let me tell you how all this came about.

When Mary and I came back to the house, after teasing two shoe store clerks by shopping sans panties, and flashing our bare cunnie to them (the subject of my last "First Threesome" post) the guys had also returned. They had a good laugh about our escapade. We had already agreed to a nice dinner out of the house that evening, and I decided to run an idea by Hal and our new friends, to wit: "Let's pretend that we are unmarried college kids, out on a REAL date. One downside about ...

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