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A Short But True Storythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:cuckold, 1303 words)

Author: OldGuyFL Picture in profile
Added: Apr 12 2008Views / Reads: 4516 / 64 [1%]Story vote: 8.50 (14 votes)
Wife tries for lover.

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In my second marriage we played around a bit, threesomes with another girl then another guy, dates with people we wanted to fuck. While the marriage did not last, the sexual adventures were not a reason for the breakup.

Some years later, in my late forties I remarried a girl eleven years my junior. She was 5'6, blond hair, 115 pounds with 36C breasts and a real tight pussy. She had been in San Francisco for the Summer of Love and was very sexual. While I had made love to a dozen women, she had racked up over fifty lovers. As time went by she told me

of some of her experiences. Threesomes, black and white. As she said in the Summer of Love you would meet someone and say, "Wanna fuck?"We had sex on the first date and almost every night for the next year. Then years of smoking and high cholesterol started slowing down my responses to the point that an erection became an unusual event. Heart issues requiring Beta Blockers sealed the deal except we did not know what happened at the time.

This was before Viagra. We still had sex. She did not climax often from intercourse so I would eat her to a finish anyway but I could tell though, that she missed a cock.

We were into role playing, going out on dates with each other or meeting in bars with me picking her up. The only drawback as far as I was ...

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