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Sam's Story chp 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1792 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 13 2008Views / Reads: 8131 / 6245 [77%]Part vote: 9.29 (7 votes)
She was a little sex pot and everyone wanted to fuck her.

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Depending on your point of view Sam is either voluptuous, pleasingly plump, or a chubby little sexpot. Whichever way you see her there is never a doubt in your mind that she is an extremely fuckable woman. I've yet to see the man whose head doesn't turn when she walks by. In her never ending battle against becoming fat Samantha follows an exercise program that would put a professional athlete to shame and many are the times that I've gone to the gym to pick her up and watched the men who were there watch Sam. I have gotten so used to men not being able to take their eyes off her that I don't even notice them anymore, and that's how the trouble started - I should have been paying more attention.

Samantha has never realized how sexually alluring she is. She thinks she is too fat and that most men have no interest in a "fat broad" (her words, not mine) and so she has always ignored me when I've told her to be careful when she is around men.

"You let your guard down sweetie, and they'll have you on your back in a New York Minute."

Sam is also a very trusting person and doesn't think ill of anyone. I've told her a thousand times that she is too naive, but she just laughs and tells me that I'm too cynical. To help complicate the mix, Sam can't handle liquor very well. It does not take much to get her looped and when she gets looped she loses her common sense and most of ...

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