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Sam's Story chp 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4066 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 14 2008Views / Reads: 1982 / 1729 [87%]Part vote: 9.00 (15 votes)
He has a decision to make.

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The decision I needed to make was not an easy one. I couldn't live with the fact that my wife was telling me that she was a slave to another man's cock and I couldn't bring myself to walk away from her. Something had to be done, but it was no time for ultimatums, at least not the "him or me" kind. I did come down hard in one area though and I told Sam that under no circumstances was she ever again to have Ron or any of her other lovers in our house or I would not be responsible for what happened to them or her. I also made her move into the spare bedroom and told her that she needed to start thinking long and hard on what she wanted the rest of her life to be like.

Three weeks went by with Sam and I just barely co-existing in the house. She made several attempts to heal the riff between us, but my response was always, "Are you done with the asshole yet?" and she would turn her head and walk away. Not spending time with my wife left me with a lot of time to think about the situation, but after three weeks I still had no idea of what I should do. I still loved Sam, but I could not separate her from Ron. Not being wealthy I had to work for a living so sitting on Sam 24/7 and physically keeping them apart was out of the question.

It was a Monday morning and I had no sooner entered my office and the phone rang. I answered it and found that it was Meredith. Meredith was an old friend of ours who managed the department where Sam worked and in fact had been the one to talk Sam into coming to work there. ...

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