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The Hotel Clerkthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:pregnant, 3752 words) [9/9] show all parts

Author: jeff501
Added: Nov 03 2000Views / Reads: 2123 / 1854 [87%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Sarah has given birth to a boy but she needs some help nursing after her breasts swell up. m/f, lactation.

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The Hotel Clerk (Part IX)

Sarah and I were married in a small quiet ceremony one month after our son was born. Sarah looked radiant in her dress, only weighing 15 lbs more than her pre-pregnancy weight. She hid it well with her tall frame, but the one thing that she could not hide was the size of her milk laden breasts. Sarah, much to her chagrin, was one of these women who produced and produced milk, always seeming to have an endless supply for baby. She had long abandoned her C cup bras and was now saddled with a fleet of D cup nursing bras, opening in the front for public feedings. As much she liked the attention granted her by roving eyes, she longed for her more trim figure, not so top heavy. I assured her she would have her athletic body and C cups back within a few months but that seemed far away to her.

In the time leading up to our marriage and since that time we had not seen Heather and I had not touched her mother, other than the customary hugs and kisses. Helen and I still teased and flirted but it never amounted to anything sexual. Perhaps I was settling down a little.

Sarah had not had an easy time learning to feed our son, having problems with a grabby baby and sensitive nipples, something I already knew, but this time it was not an asset. This caused great difficulty for her, reducing her to tears as she contemplated the thought of switching to bottles. Still, her motherly instinct prevailed as she bore down and ...

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