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Subway Assaultthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1225 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: goodwife Picture in profile
Added: Apr 15 2008Views / Reads: 3084 / 2738 [89%]Part vote: 9.26 (19 votes)
Young woman is groped on subway and eventually seduced by her abuser.

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It was May of 1993 and I was working in Manhattan and living in Brooklyn with my family. I was engaged to be married during the coming October. I was raised with very strong morals and even during this time of sexual revolution, I had remained a virgin. My future husband and I had engaged in heavy petting but that was about it.

On this particular evening, while on my way home from work on the subway, The subway line that I took, traveled under the east river through a tunnel. After boarding the train, as usual, there were no seats and I was standing in front of seated passangers, holding on to a hand rail. Shortly after the train left the station, the man sitting in front of me, offered his seat to me, which I accepted and thanked him. He assumed my position directly in front of me and as he was dressed in only a short sleeved shirt and light weight slacks, I couldn't help but notice that he had a very large bulge in his crotch area. He noticed, and when I glanced up, all he did was smile. After a few stations, the train entered the tunnel to Brooklyn. It is not uncommon for the lighting to occasionaly to go off for short perioda of time during this part of the ride. Also, during this part of the trip, the train has to stop and wait for the train in front of it to clear. During one of there times, the lights went off and I felt his lower leg come into contact with the space between my knees. It didn't seem too abnormal but after a moment, he didn't move his leg away. When the train resumed the trip, his leg made slight movements side to side with the motion of the train. After we had left the tunnel, he moved his leg back to the ...

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