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A Long Journeythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1780 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: goodwife Picture in profile
Added: Apr 17 2008Views / Reads: 1824 / 1554 [85%]Part vote: 9.36 (11 votes)
My molester continues his domination.

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After I arrived home, I was relieved to find everyone out. I undressed and took my still wet panties and put them in with a load of wash and went into the shower. The water seemed to relax my, cascading over my firm breatst and down my body. I had felt very dirty and the shower made my body feel clean but mentally, I felt guilt for allowing this to happen and even worse for enjoying it. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and tried to focus on the busy weekend ahead of me. I still had much planning to do for my upcoming wedding and thinking about this suddenly brought my fiancee into my mind, and the guilt returned. I had a lite dinner and watched television but try as I did, the thoughts of my trip home kept returning to me. Thank god there was a movie on HBO or some other movie channel which distracted me and I kept the incident out of my mind. Around 9:30, before anyone returned home, I went to my room and turned the light off, lying on my bed to try and sleep. I must have dozed off almost immediately but found myself awake after only what seemed like minutes but when I looked at the clock, it was 3am. As I lay there, my mind began to think of John and how lucky I was to be marrying him. He was everything a woman wanted in a man, handsome, intelligent and most of all understand. It was his understanding of my desire to wait until marriage to give up my virginity. I know that sexually, at just 23, his hormones must have been very dificult to control but he always was able to maintain respect for my wishes. I began to drift off and my thoughts placed me in John's arms, being kissed softly and my breasts fondled tenderly. I reached for his penis but when I did, my hands were touching a cock much larger, with a pulse ...

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