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Road to a Threesomethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 1284 words) [1/8] show all parts

Author: kmooves
Added: May 19 2000Views / Reads: 3723 / 2456 [66%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
For years we talked about and now we finally decided to do something about it. This is a quick lead-in to an incredible, true experience.

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Road to a Threesome - Part I The Set Up - We talk about a 3Some By Knight Mooves

I firmly believe that most men have at some point in time thought about watching their wives or girlfriends in bed with another man. While some could never act on the fantasy, others live with the anticipation that someday it may actually happen. I fall in the latter category, in fact I get instantly aroused at the mere thought of watching my wife Marie having sex with someone other than myself. It was a fantasy that we had openly discussed over the past few years and one that would inevitably lead to an extremely intense sexual session. The thought of having another man go down on her while her husband watched turned my wife's pussy into a fast flowing stream of juice. Her firm Catholic upbringing however would never allow her to take the lead on this issue. She would instead hint that I be the one to take care of the logistics. What you are about to read is the true story of the unbelievable events that took place on the way to our first threesome. It's somewhat lengthy and detailed but it's the only way I could get you to feel the extreme emotions I felt on that weekend. It was the ultimate voyeur experience.

The master plan started coming together 3 months ago when my best friend Jimmy and his wife came to visit. We hadn't seem them in a little over a year and looked forward to catching up on old times. Jimmy and I were ...

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