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Bowling night.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 12197 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Apr 26 2008Views / Reads: 1540 / 1196 [78%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Brad and Lucille share a lot more together than a simple team sport.

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Bowling night

Perhaps one of the most sensual and erotic experiences I ever had occurred nearly twenty years ago now. But the memory of it remains with me to this day.

Back then I worked with a woman named Lucille. I was in my early thirty's at that time, and Lucille was some twenty or so years older than I was. But the age difference hardly mattered between us, we got along famously, and I looked forward to seeing and working with her on a daily basis. At first there was nothing at all sexual even mentioned between us, she had a very 'rigid' upbringing, and things of that nature weren't easily discussed amongst coworkers anyway, especially between us. But as our friendship grew, I learned more and more of Lucille's personal life, and for her, it had been a very difficult one. We had worked together for several years before we'd even gotten to a 'familiar' personal working level, but as Lucille was easy to talk to, and sometimes even to confide in, we grew even closer and eventually began to share with one another things that were occurring in our lives outside of the workplace.

Our Company sponsored a weekly Bowling League, and I had signed on to bowl, as had Lucille, which surprised me a little bit. But I soon after learned from her, that it was basically her one and only night away from the 'boring' and uneventful life that she was leading at home ...

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