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Descent into Chaosthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 5766 words)

Author: habu
Added: May 15 2008Views / Reads: 1865 / 1103 [59%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Becoming Africa

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It had taken me three weeks to get to the real reason I knew I had been sent to Rhodesia. But here I was, in the lobby of Salisbury's Meikles Hotel, waiting for Section Officer Gavin Coetzer to drive down from Morris Depot along The Avenues to take me out to Alister's farm. I silly pulled on my long socks, still being self-conscious about the art of wearing shorts as every-day attire, as the well-oiled routine of the fine old hotel swirled around me, just as it had for over a century, and just as it seemed to intend to do for another century.

But I knew better.

That ostensibly was why the Foreign Office in London had sent me out here. They couldn't figure the rebellious Ian Smith regime out. Was he really trying to save Britain's interests here, or was Rhodesia, as he suggested, descending into chaos because he was being isolated. A bit of truth in all, I had found, although there wasn't much question that Rhodesia was headed toward chaos in any event before we saw the dawn of the 1980s. The vibes for native African independence were just too strong. No economic reasoning was going to win out over the thrust for freedom and independence.

But the real reason I'd been sent was because of the influence of the Earl of Devon. Lord Clarence had already decided where Rhodesia was going, and he didn't want his son sinking into that pit. It was my misfortunate to be on duty on the Africa desk and to have gone to ...

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