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Door to Dreamsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3548 words) [1/10] show all parts

Author: Richard Wadsworth
Added: May 18 2008Views / Reads: 857 / 615 [72%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Alyse looks into herself, steps out of herself, and moves into a world of possibilities

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The sound of her alarm clock gently stirred her from her sleeping world. A very disappointed Alyse rolled over onto her side and tapped her fingers down on top of the buzzing devise to stop its intrusive behavior. Rolling back over onto her back, she shut her eyes again and tried to recapture the vision of the scenario that had previously been the source of so much delight for her. Jack had once again found his way inside. Her head. Her dreams. Alyse eased her hands down across her abdomen and slipped them beneath the comforter that covered the lower portion of her body. Finding the bottom hem of the white cotton tank top that she had worn to bed the night before, she lifted it and touched the warm skin that it concealed. The fingers of both of her hands glided back and forth across her bellybutton as the memory of the reverie that she had been so rudely roused from fought to consume her mind.

Alyse could remember still being able to hear the squeak of the mattress despite the chorus that she and Jack belted out as he furiously forced one aching cry of pleasure from her after another. Her left hand crept up the smooth skin of her belly, slowly lifting the shirt as she moved it. The rock solid projections atop the voluptuously firm mounds on her chest that were threatening to tear their way through the two sizes too small tank top beckoned for her to take hold of them. She could practically still feel the sensation of him touching, squeezing; his hungry lips feasting. She slid her hand over to the right and lifted up the shirt, allowing the twin heaps of flesh to spill out from ...

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