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New Horizons-Ch 5this story is part of the FanClub (ff:group, 17821 words) [5/16] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: May 24 2008Views / Reads: 769 / 664 [86%]Part vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
Smantha's second chapter meeting. Justine goes for her revenge.

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New Horizons-Chapter 5

By Slyfox

I had a lot of time after the orientation to contemplate my actions and all of the changes that had come over me. In less than six weeks, I had taken part in four intensive sexual encounters and I began to wonder if I were becoming obsessed with sex. I was less than two weeks away from the scheduled chapter meeting and had to decide if I was up to it or not, considering the unfinished business with Justine and the thinly veiled threats from Cricket and Trish. The other thing that continued to bother me was the existence of the bondage equipment in the meeting room. Though I had been promised that nothing would be done against my wishes, I now knew that my resistance to anything sexual had failed to materialize so far.

One thing I learned was that in spite of the intensity of the events, and the extreme high that they gave me, something was still lacking. It most certainly was not lust or desire. There was enough of that for an army of lesbians. My libido had gone out of sight on the seismic scale, so that wasn't it. I finally decided that what I was missing was the type of emotional bond that two women share after a few nights together.

It didn't have to be love, or anything close to it, it could just be ...

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